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Copyright protects many types of creative works, such as music, books, drawings, paintings, computer software and films. Copyright protection is automatic once something has been created and usually lasts for the lifetime of the author plus a further 70 years.

A bear of very little copyright: Winnie-the-Pooh's journey into the public domain  

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Teddy bear sat on the floor of a forest with its back to the camera

I’ve always been a big fan of World Book Day. As an avid reader, I have many fond memories of heading into school dressed as my favourite characters, and while I'm not donning a costume this year, I am thinking about the IP in some of my favourite children's books

All is Fair in Love and IP Rights 

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A white background with red hanging origami love hearts

Love, innovation, and creativity have always gone hand in hand. From patented heart-shaped jewellery to chocolate brands protected with trade marks, romance has long inspired inventors and creators across the UK. Whilst you are busy planning the perfect gift, intellectual property (IP) is quietly playing cupid behind the scenes. 

Around the world with our IP Attaché network

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IPO Overseas

Recently we have introduced you to the different members of the IPO’s Intellectual Property Attaché Network. These IP experts help UK businesses to trade in international markets. Our team also works with other governments and international organisations to support UK objectives overseas.  

Autonomous vehicles and IP: how one UK business is driving change

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Ford Mondeo vehicle fitted with LiDAR, RADAR and stereo cameras and integrated with Oxbotica’s autonomy software platform, For the Project Endeavour trial.

UK-based business, Oxa was the first company in the UK to test self-driving cars on public roads as part of Project Endeavour, an Innovate UK-funded trial. We caught up with Oxa’s Head of Licencing and IP Management Alex Tame to find out how owning IP has played a role in the research, production and scaling of their innovative AV technology. 

Monopoly and the inventor who was streets ahead

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With Christmas fast approaching, families everywhere are likely to be dusting off their Monopoly board, together with its familiar Scottie dog and top hat player pieces, ready for their annual challenge. How many will be aware of the challenges the game itself has seen since its original invention? Read on to find out more!

Meet the IPO Board: Director of Rights Policy and Enforcement, Chris Mills

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We interviewed Director of Rights Policy and Enforcement, Chris Mills

Next up in our ‘Meet the Board’ series is Chris Mills, the Director of Rights Policy and Enforcement. Chris spoke to us about how his career story started, and his highlights since joining the IPO two years ago.

Hornit’s story: the SME who used IP to combat the counterfeiters

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Hornit's bike rack, CLUG, holding several bikes upright in garage with person onlooking

Wheeling their way into the future, are Hornit - an innovative and creative British business that produces a wide range of cycling products. We spoke to their CEO Tom de Pelet about how Hornit has grown and how intellectual property …

Don't blow Christmas: avoid a mistake, spot the fake

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The IPO has collaborated with a range of enforcement partners to help consumers stay safe when shopping and to avoid counterfeit products. With prices dropping across retail and Christmas around the corner, Black Friday and Cyber Monday can be irresistible. Find out how you could be targeted by online traders selling counterfeit goods.