British IP Day 2017

We all love a sequel: Led Zeppelin II, Super Mario Bros, Aliens, The Empire Strikes Back and...British IP Day.
We all love a sequel: Led Zeppelin II, Super Mario Bros, Aliens, The Empire Strikes Back and...British IP Day.
© Images copyright Apple Corps Ltd. 50 years ago the creative industries were conceived in the summer of love.
As a Business Outreach Manager, it's my role to raise awareness of IP and I find myself often saying: You don't have to look far, IP is all around us.
Innovation can be a risky business which involves the investment of time, effort and money in varying degrees.
In 1913, the British textiles industry achieved its highest output – 7 billion square yards of cloth were produced.
The Centre for Alternative Technology is a catalyst for innovation.
This year's prestigious European Patent Office (EPO) Inventor Award was hosted in Lisbon on 9 June.
Innovation is a broad term whose definition varies between institutions and countries. The UK government considers innovation to be ‘the application of knowledge to the production of goods and services.’
Watching a concrete shelter being blown up is an interesting if slightly bizarre experience. We are not talking about another attempt to dynamite the indestructible remains of Hitler’s Atlantic Wall.
Today I will attend the Intellectual Property Awareness Network (IPAN) event to celebrate World Intellectual Property Day.
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