The latest Online Copyright Infringement (OCI) tracker was released today to mark British IP Day. For those of us who work to raise respect and awareness of intellectual property (IP) and copyright education, there was good news in the uptake of legal streaming services by young people.
Online Copyright Infringement (OCI) tracker
The report shows that UK consumers are more willing to pay for online content through subscription services. While overall levels of piracy remain the same compared to 2017, there has been a drop in illegal activity by some groups. This is especially true amongst young consumers, with over half of 16-24 year olds now paying to access at least one subscription service.
But the job is far from complete. In recent years, the IPO and stakeholders from the creative industries have worked together to reach out to future creators and impress upon them the importance of protecting their future work and respecting the creative works they consume online. With the continuing reliance of digital technologies, even the very young are IP consumers, accessing online digital content independently and regularly. They are creators of IP, and many will leave school or university to take up careers in industries that depend upon inventiveness and creativity. A basic understanding of IP and a respect for others’ IP rights is therefore a key life skill.
Despite this, IP is too often ignored in our education system. For the Intellectual Property Office (IPO), ensuring that the next generation is equipped with the knowledge it needs to succeed in a competitive world and is motivated to respect the effort others have invested in developing new products, images or music are key priorities within our wider outreach work. To counter this, the IPO with partners in the Copyright Education and Awareness Group and representatives from Music, Film, Publishing and the Education Licence Working Group (ELWG) have worked together to develop campaigns that demonstrate the value and importance of IP to individuals in their future careers and the UK economy.

Cracking Ideas
Under the banner of we have developed unique curriculum linked resources from Primary to Higher Education to raise awareness of the role of IP in fostering creativity and innovation. We’ve developed exciting games like Music Inc with UK Music; and classroom resource: Creating Movie Magic to support the teaching and delivery of intellectual property in design and technology with the Industry Trust. The job is far from complete, but this British IP day lets reflect on how far we’ve come.

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