FSW - creating a 'stir' in the welding industry

Hand-crafted ash, aluminium and leather are what makes a Morgan car stand out from their competitors.
Chris Myant has been a journalist all his working life, becoming more and more fascinated by those who strike out with something new, something original, something that can change their lives, something that says to others: if I can do it so can you.
Hand-crafted ash, aluminium and leather are what makes a Morgan car stand out from their competitors.
If you were told that optical tweezers are single beam gradient force traps you would probably be none the wiser.
You’ve just bought the carbon fibre bike of your dreams, all £3,000 worth of it. Then, tightening up the seat post bracket, you hear a nasty little cracking sound.
Half a dozen tool companies dominate world markets. None are small fry. Their development departments are sizeable, their market presence strong.
Watching a concrete shelter being blown up is an interesting if slightly bizarre experience. We are not talking about another attempt to dynamite the indestructible remains of Hitler’s Atlantic Wall.
Ever heard of the Paramount sci-fi series Extant? If not, check it out. You’ll see some film helped on its way by a young company in Edinburgh.
Coal was once king in Cardiff. Those days are long gone. But there are some who hope that the Welsh capital may yet again be home to an enterprise exporting energy around the world.
It is all his grandmother’s fault. There’s a Star Wars quality to the sight of half a dozen of his Tentsile tree tents floating mid-air in the woods.
When are Prada, Gucci and Armani going to try their arts on the wheelchair? Creating from the front wheels to the backrest, a glorious fashion statement, rather than an unavoidable announcement of medical need?
A blog on the work of the Intellectual Property Office (IPO). Contributors are IPO staff and invited industry experts from the world of IP.
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