Upcoming research - what's next?
We are excited to announce the publication of the Intellectual Property Office’s (IPO) new research programme for 2014-2015. As readers of IPO Facto will be aware, our team commissions a...
Nicola Searle is an economist who specialises the economics of Intellectual Property and the creative industries.
She joined the the Economics, Research and Evidence (ERE) team in 2013 as an Economic Advisor and is responsible for the economic support of trade marks and designs. Prior to her role at the IPO, Nicola worked as a university researcher and a financial analyst. She completed her PhD on the economics of trade secrets at the University of St Andrews in 2010.
We are excited to announce the publication of the Intellectual Property Office’s (IPO) new research programme for 2014-2015. As readers of IPO Facto will be aware, our team commissions a...
Building (layer by layer!) on our previous post on 3D printing, today (19 November 2013) we are taking a look at some new work by our esteemed Patent Informatics colleagues....
In part two of our series on the history of design rights, we look at the decision to register a design right.
As communication becomes more digital, so do intellectual property offices.
This year, the Office for the Harmonisation of the Internal Market (OHIM) celebrated 10 years of the Community Design. The event celebrated a relatively new development in IP - the community design right.
What is in a name? A blog by any other name would still tell as complete.
The Economics, Research and Evidence (ERE) team at the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) is pleased to start blogging under the category 'IPO Facto'.
A blog on the work of the Intellectual Property Office (IPO). Contributors are IPO staff and invited industry experts from the world of IP.
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