Scottish engineering: the next generation

Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry’s genius lay in the fact that he was able to take clichés from earth and create new, complimentary, ones in space.
Patents protect the features and process that make things work. A patent can only be granted for something that is new and inventive. A patent has to be renewed every year but can last for up to 20 years.
Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry’s genius lay in the fact that he was able to take clichés from earth and create new, complimentary, ones in space.
By definition, prototype means it is an early stage representation of a final product or thing. They can be essential but also disproportionately costly, fragile and can often be done without.
We had a new roll of Bubble Wrap delivered yesterday. The boss said “pop it in the corner”. Took me five hours!
A fortnight ago our blog looked at all the branding associated with the Wimbledon tennis extravaganza. But, it’s not just trade marks that get a look in when it comes to sporting events.
It’s quite disappointing when reading an article in the press that I see “Mr X has applied to patent his name” or “last year 3000 inventions were copyrighted in the UK”.
It is all his grandmother’s fault. There’s a Star Wars quality to the sight of half a dozen of his Tentsile tree tents floating mid-air in the woods.
Patent pending is a term that you will often hear on programmes like Dragons' Den or The Apprentice. It occurs when inventors and entrepreneurs are talking to potential investors or collaborators.
Creatives and inventives are sometimes characterised as dreamers. Their shared trait is their concern with the edges of experience, not the nitty gritty of reality.
What links flexible electronics, bulletproof armour, energy storage, supercars and new age tennis rackets? The answer...graphene, the new wonder material according to scientists around the world. Its material properties are staggering.
Traditionally, if you want to predict the future you need two things: a soothsayer and a disembowelled chicken.
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