International Women’s Day: The mothers of invention

The term ‘scientist’ was coined by William Whewell in 1834 in a review of an academic paper called ‘On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences’.
Patents protect the features and process that make things work. A patent can only be granted for something that is new and inventive. A patent has to be renewed every year but can last for up to 20 years.
The term ‘scientist’ was coined by William Whewell in 1834 in a review of an academic paper called ‘On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences’.
It’s a sad occasion when one of your favourite television series comes to an end, how can you fill the void?
Patents are by far and away the most complex, time consuming and expensive of the types of intellectual property dealt with at the IPO.
You’ve just bought the carbon fibre bike of your dreams, all £3,000 worth of it. Then, tightening up the seat post bracket, you hear a nasty little cracking sound.
Half a dozen tool companies dominate world markets. None are small fry. Their development departments are sizeable, their market presence strong.
In 1913, the British textiles industry achieved its highest output – 7 billion square yards of cloth were produced.
I am quite a fan of podcasts. I tend to download 2 or 3 a week and listen to them either in the evening or sometimes in the car on the way to an event.
Following the loss of the family dog, I was ready to find a new puppy. But I was having trouble deciding on which breed.
To misquote a line from the film, ‘Hellboy’: what makes a patent examiner a patent examiner?
Watching a concrete shelter being blown up is an interesting if slightly bizarre experience. We are not talking about another attempt to dynamite the indestructible remains of Hitler’s Atlantic Wall.
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