The game of games – IP and the British digital games industry

On planet earth there are around 7.6 billion people, and a third of them play computer games.
On planet earth there are around 7.6 billion people, and a third of them play computer games.
Investment in intangible assets is becoming increasingly important in the modern economy.
Last week, around the world, we celebrated International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.
What an eventful few days it’s been – I’ve not seen so much snow for a long time!
Every February in the UK we celebrate LGBT History Month.
Valentine’s Day is approaching a £1 billion industry, with most of our affection shown with gifts and presents.
I love a good frosty morning – the air is so crisp and clear.
Children are spending more time online than ever before and are starting to use technology and engage with social media at an increasingly young age.
I was brought up in a music-loving household.
The West Midlands has a rich history of industry and great inventions.
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