My invention is going to be worth millions!

This is one of the most common sayings the Business Outreach team hear when attending exhibitions and events throughout the UK.
Patents protect the features and process that make things work. A patent can only be granted for something that is new and inventive. A patent has to be renewed every year but can last for up to 20 years.
This is one of the most common sayings the Business Outreach team hear when attending exhibitions and events throughout the UK.
On planet earth there are around 7.6 billion people, and a third of them play computer games.
Investment in intangible assets is becoming increasingly important in the modern economy.
What an eventful few days it’s been – I’ve not seen so much snow for a long time!
I love a good frosty morning – the air is so crisp and clear.
The inventive mind is a bit like a child’s, and a child’s mind is immensely inventive.
Staying ahead of the competition and innovating are key elements to the success of any business.
Fans of archaeology will be familiar with the islands of Orkney.
The IPO launched our online patent renewals service back in July 2014 as part of our commitment to deliver the best digital services for our customers.
The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has an IP attaché for China, Tom Duke, based in the British Embassy Beijing.
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