FSW - creating a 'stir' in the welding industry

Hand-crafted ash, aluminium and leather are what makes a Morgan car stand out from their competitors.
Patents protect the features and process that make things work. A patent can only be granted for something that is new and inventive. A patent has to be renewed every year but can last for up to 20 years.
Hand-crafted ash, aluminium and leather are what makes a Morgan car stand out from their competitors.
It's 5pm on a Saturday and the kids have been fed, phew!
Britain’s historical and geographical landscape is well known, so why not visit some of our IP beauty spots this summer?
As a child in the 1980’s, I treated 2000AD as a factual publication and Kubrick’s 2001 as a documentary.
Common questions I get asked are; ‘How do I patent my name?’ or ‘How do I protect my idea?’.
In February this year, aerospace giants Boeing announced plans to open its first manufacturing facility in Europe in Sheffield.
Us Brits love a queue. According to a survey in 2013, we will spend up to 5 and a half hours in a queue every month.
We all love a sequel: Led Zeppelin II, Super Mario Bros, Aliens, The Empire Strikes Back and...British IP Day.
As a Business Outreach Manager, it's my role to raise awareness of IP and I find myself often saying: You don't have to look far, IP is all around us.
If you were told that optical tweezers are single beam gradient force traps you would probably be none the wiser.
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